Social Icons


Monastery Of Jaulian

The Monastery has a court of cells with intermal measurement of about 97 ft.
from north by 106 ft. from east to west, and courtyard, with an open
depression in it's centre and a line of cells fronted by a broad
veranda on every site.The main entrance into the courtyard is on the
west, where it communicates with the lower stupa court.On the opposite
side is another doorway leading through chamber 15 to the assembly
hall and the other common rooms.On the north side of the court the small
chamber numbered 8 on the plan served as a chapel, and next to it is
a stairway giving access to the upper story.The rest of the chambers
on the ground-floor, to the number of twenty-six, served as calls
for monks, and the monastery had two stories with, on doubt, a
corresponding number of cells on the upper floor, it followers that
there was accommodation in it for some fifty-two monks. the cells
vary in their dimensions and are somewhatirregular. With the exception
of no.20. each cell is provided with one or two wall niches closed with
a pointed arch. Windows are provided at a height of from 6 to 10 ft. above
the floor-level and from the outside appear merely as narrow slits in
the walls,but towards the interior are splayed out, asin the loopholes
of a fortress.
The doorways of the cells were furnished with slightly sloping jambs
and out, were plastered with mud.Inside of the cells were found a
number of water-vessels.In front of some of the cells and facing on
the veranda are small alcoves containing groups of figures.